Thursday, 9 January 2020

What Used To Be Posh To Me

When I was maybe half as young
And half as young again,
There were certain things for certain people.
They seem a little ordinary now but they used to be posh to me.

There was bottled water. Dad said,
"Taps would do." If you bought a drink
Then it was fizzy.

Playing any sport other than football!
Other sports needed equipment or special courts
That we weren't allowed on.

Unsliced crusty bread with flour on top
For some reason.
What a treat with stew.

Going on a train!
We once went to Southport on a train with Nanny Nuckley.
The Seat fabric itched my bare legs. "Why wouldn't posh people fix this?"
I thought.

Going abroad! Proper posh.
Eating whatever a croissant is and telling people about it
When school started in September.
I used to love Anglesey though.

Knowing that you put your knife and fork together after a meal at a restaurant.
Going to a restaurant!
Ordering coffee at a restaurant after a meal.
Sometimes with wonderful - Italian sounding- names.

Having a garden.
A big car.
Knowing what brands of clothes to buy and buying them.
More than a 16-bit games console.
Fruit that wasn't apples or oranges.
Poetry. I know!
Musical instruments. Although a lady at church did teach my sister piano once.
Errands - only posh people had errands.
Recording the top 40.
Not watching The Pools results. "Score draw"

Posh people had funny lives to me back then.

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